Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Handmade, bandmade

Have you ever bought a shirt at a concert, and later when you put it on, you thought, "This shirt is just another machine-made, carbon-copy garment, cranked out by some t-shirt company in between orders for softball team jerseys and church-logo polo shirts. Does the band even know what's being sold in their name? I'm not sure I can even wear this."

I know. It's like I'm in your head.

Well, rest assured, when you buy a Staylyns t-shirt, you are getting a handmade, bandmade work of art, crafted by your favorite rockers with their very own hands. That's right - we make every t-shirt we sell!

Why am I telling you this? Because we are about to embark on a whirlwind weekend of 3 shows in 3 cities in 4 days (Pleasure Pier in Galveston, Thursday, 3/14, 6-10pm; Kemah Boardwalk, Friday, 3/15, 1-5pm; and Pluckers in Round Rock, Sunday, 3/17, 4-6pm), and Johnny and Joey prepared for this little tour by restocking our inventory of shirts. Here's how it's done:

Caaaaaarefully set the screen juuuuuuust so on a white tee.
Squeegee the ink through the screen onto the tee
while your drummer holds the screen in place.

Hold your dirty, ink-stained hands AWAY from the
freshly screened tee while your drummer folds it.

Place the tee in an oven - preferably outside the house, or
else you'll stink up the whole house. Trust me.

Remove the freshly cooked tee from the oven
(cooking sets the ink), and give it a good shake.

Wash it.

VOILA! Kick-ass t-shirt!  
Makes you want to buy one, right? It's like having a painting that Johnny painted or a sculpture that Joe sculpted or a...a...sock puppet made by Suzy.

(I didn't make that.)

So, if you happen to catch us at one of our gigs this weekend, connect with us through cotton by buying your own personal handmade, bandmade t-shirt. We'll even sign it!

And in case you missed it above here's where we'll be this weekend:
Thursday, 3/14, 6-10pm, Pleasure Pier in Galveston
Friday, 3/15, 1-5pm, Kemah Boardwalk; and
Sunday, 3/17, 4-6pm, Pluckers St. Patty's Day celebration in Round Rock

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