Saturday, February 16, 2013

The tax man cometh

Big fun for The Staylyns this week. (Not really. That was sarcasm. You can tell because I put a period at the end of that sentence instead of an exclamation point.) It's tax time. And you thought it was all just music and good times!

Yes, even musicians have to pay taxes. Many musicians may knot know they have to pay taxes, but they do. Ask Willie Nelson.

We've spent this last week plugging all the numbers into our tax software, shaking our fists at the sky, cursing the government, getting really depressed and asking why we bother to work so hard, then visiting a CPA, getting some great advice, redoing some numbers, and then cursing the government again but without the shaking fists.

You are correct, sir.
We're now at the resolved stage, where we accept our fate and decide that we beat the system by not letting it beat us. We create our own victory.

Now, we just have to wait until April 15. Yes, we've calculated our taxes now, but like all good Americans, we'll wait until the last minute to actually pay. We will pay everything we owe (we swear!!), but we like for our money to stay ours for as long as possible. We're pretty sure we'll do a better job with it than the government will.

How 'bout you? Have you done your taxes yet? Was it super fun? Do you like to curse?

1 comment:

  1. You are way ahead of this girl! I have started to collect the paperwork I need to do my taxes, but still have to dust off Turbo Tax and enter all the numbers. Fists definitely shaking!!!
