Thursday, June 28, 2012

Walls are important

Lesson learned at Monday night's gig: walls are important.

This week, instead of a weekend gig, we got crazy with a Monday night gig at a place called Billy's Icehouse in New Braunfels, TX. I admit, I didn't know anything about Billy's, but after we booked the gig, I found out from several people that Billy's is a bit of a legend in those parts. I wasn't sure about playing late on a Monday, but I liked the idea of playing some place legendary, so I got on board.

When we showed up at our gig, though, I discovered that this legendary place was missing two things that I find vitally important for a Central Texas venue in June when temperatures in the triple digits (the high on Monday was 106): air conditioning and walls on two sides to hold in said a/c.

Me, upon arrival at Billy's: Uh...where's the inside?

Johnny: This is it. There's not really an inside. 

Me: Escue me?


Now, outdoor venues (or in this case, partially outdoor) are not at all unusual in Texas, and we play them regularly. But it really helps a person to dress appropriately if you KNOW you're essentially playing outdoors in killer heat. I can also mentally prepare if I know in advance.

But I didn't know. So, I did what any self-respecting woman in jeans with her hair down would have done in similar circumstances. I hung out in the bathroom, which for some reason WAS air conditioned, until it was time to go on.

I gotta start bringing a full slate of emergency outfits for any situation: ripped pants, too cold, too hot, shirt scratching me, etc. Is this why music stars really have big tour buses - for the closet space?

1 comment:

  1. You definitely need the emergency wardrobe case and a big azz fan that you can plug in and directly face towards you.

    Ironic that it's called Billy's Icehouse...pffttt!
