Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Five Things You Only Hear in a Home Studio

We've been busy in the studio lately, and we're hoping to have a new tune for you by the end of the month.

This is what music looks like.
Over the years of recording our own music, I've heard a few things said here and there that I'm pretty sure you'd never hear in a paid studio. And they're what make recording in our home studio so awesome! So, for those who have never recorded in both, here are...

Five Things You'll Hear in a Home Studio that You Won't Hear in a Pro Studio

1. I think we should leave the cat's meow in there.

2. Can you turn off the dishwasher?

3. Can you turn off the air conditioner?

4. Take your time. (Do you have any idea how expensive professional studio time is?)

5. I'll put on pants later. All my shorts are in the washer.

Yup. All of those are actual things we've said when recording at Staylyn Studio. Makes me wanna get back to it and finish up this new song!

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