Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Say You Will

It's a new year, and it's really starting out right for us. We've locked down some great residencies that we're excited to get started on, and we've already lined up some Spring Break gigs, with some feelers out for a few private gigs - we're gonna work this year, bitch (as Britney would say)!

I *just* said we're going to work this year, Britney Jean. Step. Off.
But all that upcoming performance work is not stopping us from releasing some new music as well. As I said in my last post, we're going to continue our new policy of releasing singles, rather than waiting to release songs until we have enough produced for a full album. And we're going to start of 2016 by doing just that!

This Friday, January 22, 2016, we'll be releasing The Staylyns version of the classic Johnny Austin tune, "Say You Will." For those of you who have been with us since our early days, you know that "Say You Will" is one of our signature live-show songs. You have not seen a real Staylyns show until you've seen Joey and Johnny going full-tilt playing this song!

That's what I'm talking 'bout!
What you may not know is that the song has a long history. Johnny first wrote it in 2000, and has played it in every band he's been a part of since then. He's always liked it, but he never had a recorded version that was exactly "it." Until now.

We've spent several years perfecting how our three-piece does the song, and in December, we went into the studio to capture what Johnny hopes is THE quintessential take of "Say You Will." We hope you'll enjoy this new version!

It will be available in all the usual places - iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc. - and we'll post links on all of our social media homes (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

So Say You Will give it a listen...and connect with us on our social media sites...and come to a show...and tell your friends about us! I know that's a lot. But you can do it. I believe in you. And I'll think you're the BEST person ever if you do.

Shut up, Britney! I don't troll your blog.


  1. I am REALLY looking forward to this!!!

    1. Well, I didn't have to wait long once I realized what day it is! Fantastic! Stamp this one "Mother Approved"!

    2. We didn't want to keep you in TOO much suspense, Ashley! Here's the link: - ENJOY!!
