Well, here we go, friends! 2015 is officially under way. It was actually officially under way for the band when we played our first Junior's gig on January 2, but I couldn't get my shit together quickly enough to get a blog post written before that gig. So, I'm getting my first post posted before our second gig of the year - at the Pleasure Pier in Galveston this Saturday.
It's still January, though, so it still counts as a new year post.
Oh, I will, Chuck Norris. I will. |
January can be a tricky month for us with gigs. So many of our venues are outdoors, and January is not known for its lovely weather. Winter here is generally cold and rainy. But it's Texas, so it can be 70 one day and 40 the next. I'm not joking. Last week we actually had a day in the 70s, and the next day a front came through and dropped the temps into the 40s.
So, when we book gigs in January, we hope for the "unseasonably warm" days OR a back-up space indoors. Junior's has a back-up indoor space, which is where we played earlier this month: