Sunday, July 27, 2014

Photo shoot - Austin style

We did a photo shoot last Thursday for some new band photos. We did them outside, which would normally be a bad idea in Texas in July, but we had some cool locations that we wanted to shoot in front of, and they happened to be outdoors, so outside we went.

The first location went well. We took some group photos and some individual shots. And by "we took," I mean our photographer, the super-talented Carlos Barron, Jr. took them. We don't have any proofs to share just yet, but they look something like this:

You can tell it's not Johnny because he could never play
guitar with those shield things on his chest.
You can tell it's not Joe because of the tattoos.
There's no way to know this isn't me - I mean, we're like twins!
So, you'll just have to trust me that this is Jennifer Love Hewitt and not me.
The second location was a bit more challenging, though. For one thing, it was in front of a wall that fronts to a busy street, so it wasn't going to be easy to set the camera in a convenient spot. Secondly, by the time we got there, the light was really low. Streetlights were starting to come on.

Carlos is a pro, though. I believe his words were, "I'm up for a challenge!" So, fearless in his endeavor to get a great shot, he shook his fist at the setting sun and grabbed his tripod and planted himself in the middle of the street. It was our job not only to pose, but to let him know when a car was coming, and we did our job well, because he didn't die.

However, he probably wanted to die before it was over, because an unanticipated challenge presented itself just as we were wrapping up. As we held fast to our poses and the shutter slowly closed on what became our last shot, a woman approached us. We didn't look at her at first - keeping our gazes firmly on the camera lens. But she was not to be ignored. She told us loudly that this was a popular corner for prostitutes and she was representin'. She did not lie.

She was representin' because when we turned to look at her, she had on a jumper that was pulled down and hanging from her waist. She was not wearing a bra, so her pendulous boobs swung freely and she walked purposefully toward our little group. We pretended not to notice her, since we feared that like a bear, she might perceive eye contact as a challenge - or worse yet, an invitation. We did not stop to get a photo, though she might happily have posed for one. But here was Joe's face when he registered what he was seeing:

At that point, we all agreed that we had the shot we needed and moved toward our cars. It was a good time to leave, because as we climbed into our vehicles, we heard another woman (one with clothes on) tell Representin' to cut it out - that she was making everyone look bad. Representin' took offense to that. We didn't want to see what an offended Representin' might do, so we kicked things into gear and made our exit.

For long-term readers, you know that this is, of course, not the first time we've had boobs forced on us. The last time they were brandished with malice. This time, I'd say they were wielded less like a hammer and more like a microphone - to broadcast a message. Believe it or not, there is yet another nudity story in our history - a full nudity story, actually, but that is a blog for another day. There's only so much nakedness that any one post can support.

No seriously - that's enough for one post. But I promise - unlike the boobs that people keep thrusting upon us, I won't leave you hanging. Next blog will be the full nudity story...if you can "bare" it. LOL! See what I did there??? Oh, nakedness is funny.

UPDATE - here's the shot from this photo shoot (right before the hooker showed up) that was transformed into the cover for our album "Strange":

The money shot


  1. I think that face is accurate. When I arrived home I created various traps out of household items in order to feel safe.

  2. Huh. I imagined your photo shoot was just a pleasant evening in the park...
    Never a dull moment!

  3. Um, that Thor picture is totally me and I could totally play guitar in the get up, I've done it before and I'll do it again, and yes, that is not Jennifer Love Hewitt, that is totally Suzy on the bass!
