Monday, September 2, 2013

Live on-air!

We took a couple of weeks off, so I've been a little slow to post about this, but just before our vacation, we had the pleasure of participating in our first live radio in-studio appearance!

A while back, our good friend Bill Paige with KDRP asked if we'd like to join him on his "Friday Free For All" show sometime - do a little interview, play a song or two - and after thinking for a half a second (long enough to digest what he'd offered), we shouted, "We'd love to!!"

And on August 16, we did.

I should mention that a couple of years ago, Johnny and Joe were interviewed by Southwestern University's radio station while appearing at Clusterfest (I had to miss that show - I had to work. We don't like to speak of it.), so they had some radio time on me, but that experience was taped. The KDRP appearance was live on-air, so it was a first for all of us. And it was FUN!

We figured we'd get 10 or 15 minutes and do two songs, but Bill actually had us hang with him for 40 minutes and we got to play three songs - epic! I was a little nervous going in, thinking he might ask me some question I couldn't answer, and I'd look like a hack. I even tried to think in advance of answers to questions he might ask. Of course, he didn't ask any of the ones I'd prepared answers to, but Bill is such a chill guy, he made it all very easy.

Johnny says I have a good radio voice, so maybe I've got a new career path if this music thing doesn't work out.

Here are a few shots from the appearance:

Bill checking his show notes.

The really cool producer dude who ran the sound board, and whose name I can't remember now because I waited to long to write this (tell me your name in the comments, and I'll give you a shout out)! *UPDATE:  I've been told said producer's name is Denver. That is an awesome name! Thanks, Denver, for getting us wired up and sounding good!

Johnny with ears on.

Joe and Suzy waiting to go live ("live" with a long a, as in on-air - not "live" with a short a, like we're waiting to go start living. Oh, we're living!)

Suzy sound checkin'.
So, there it is - our first radio appearance in the books! Thank you to KDRP, Bill Paige and all the ships at sea. We had a blast!


  1. This is so awesome. I love it. Good job everyone.
    Live radio rocks. DAD

  2. Z - is there a link to the radio interview? I'd love to hear it since I missed it. :-(

    What a cool experience!

    1. Laurie, we don't have a full copy of the interview yet AND I haven't quite figured out how to properly embed an audio file into the blog, but if we're able to resolve both of those issues, I'll definitely share the interview!
