Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Clifton kinda Christmas

Okay, I promised you last post that I'd post "tomorrow" about our other Christmas gig, and today is not "tomorrow." But today is today, and today is actually more important than tomorrow, right? Today is all you really have, so don't get wrapped up in tomorrow.

That said, let's talk about the past - namely last Tuesday.

Last Tuesday, we played our second annual Christmas show in Clifton, Texas - The Norwegian Capital of Texas. I know that's true because they have a sign that says so. The gig we played was a corporate party, held at the beautiful Bosque Arts Center. Here are the boys getting ready for their close-up at the BAC:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Never be above bribing

The vocal gods have been kind, and I was actually able to pull my weight with all of our gigs this past week. We've got one more gig to go this week then we'll get a little break before rockin' the rock out of Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier for New Year's Eve!

Get your mind out of the gutter. The Pleasure Pier has nothing to do with Galveston's once-famous red light district. It's a midway - basically a small amusement park perched over the wild, wild waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We are seriously excited to be playing the pier on New Year's Eve!

But before I jump ahead to the new year, I'll tell you about our gigs from last week. I'll post tomorrow about our gig from last night. It deserves it's own post.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Germs are not your friends

We took a little break for Thanksgiving and for Johnny and I to take a short vacation before our holiday gigs start. We've got three shows in the next week or so, plus some irons in the fire for New Year's, so it seemed like a good opportunity to get away for a bit, right?

Well, in theory, getting away is good. But when "getting away" means "traveling somewhere far away to experience new germs and bring home a respiratory ailment," right before you have a bunch of gigs lined up, then getting away is not so good.

Yes, I got a cold during our trip - on the second day actually. Nothing like getting sick when you're away from home and will be for several days. Congestion, sore throat, coughing. Oh, and we were on a cruise for a few of our vacation days, so toss in a little sea sickness, too. Stellar.

I swear, I wasn't this guy. I was not
Patient Zero on our cruise. I PROMISE!