Sunday, March 30, 2014

A family affair

Spring has arrived, and The Staylyns are getting back to work! Most of our venues are outdoor stages, so things slow down in the winter and pick back up in the spring.

So far this month, we've had gigs at Junior's in Round Rock, the Pleasure Pier in Galveston, the Kemah Boardwalk and a St. Patty's Day gig at Pluckers in Round Rock. We've also done several e-bike music tours, and today we'll cap off the month with a show at HEB's Mueller Cafe. Oh, and we're working on recording tracks for our new CD (planned release this summer). Music, baby!

The best part of our Galveston, Kemah and St. Patty's day gigs, though, was that we made it a family affair. I mean, truth is, it's always a family affair since Johnny and I are married, but we kicked it up a notch this month by bringing two of our nephews - Justin and Dennis - on board to work our merch table.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fan art!

We played our monthly residency at Junior's Bar and Grill in Round Rock this past Friday. We always enjoy the Junior's crowd and have some of our best shows there. There are a lot of regulars we recognize, and now that we have a longer time slot, starting at 7:30pm, we're able to play for some folks we weren't getting to see much of before - families!

Junior's is a family-friendly place, but if you don't start playing until 9:00pm, a lot of the folks with kiddos have already gone home for the evening. By starting at 7:30pm, we're getting a chance to connect with folks who have kids in tow. And once we get started, some of them even stay past their bed time to keep rockin' with us! That's saying a lot since we know know how valuable sleep is to parents.

One such family was in the audience this Friday. They had two kids with them - a girl who looked around 5 or 6, and a boy in the 7 or 8 range. The kids were great. I chatted with the girl before the show about Katy Perry, they never held their ears to complain about us being too loud, and they even boogied a little. But the coolest thing they did was stuff our tip jar - not with money, but with this awesome piece of fan art!

Yeah! I particularly like the anime eyes, and they get extra points for including the stripes on my turtleneck sweater (it was in the 50s Friday - that's sweater weather for this Texas girl!).

It looks like the artist's name may be Eme, so I'm thinking it may be the girl who drew it, but it's some pretty sophisticated drawin' so it could be the boy. In any case, I hope I see the kids again at Junior's so I can get the name right and properly thank her or him face to face.

My first piece of fan art. This goes into the "saved for posterity" box!